Monday, July 20, 2009

Pilgrim Badges

Pilgrim's Badges were small tokens created early in the middle ages to satisfy the throngs of pilgrims that came to holy sites seeking for the blessings of the saints. Instead of allowing the devotees to walk away with finger and toe bones, the cathedrals and abbeys housing the sought after relics had small pewter trinkets made that were "infused" with the "virtue" of the holy relics. The pilgrims could take home these little tokens to show that they had made pilgrimage and to bring home some of the saints virtue to protect them or to bestow upon someone not able to make the pilgrimage themselves.
"Pilgrims" to St. Radegund's Fair will take home a badge to show their piousness in making the trek to The Shire of Rivenwood Tower and the saint's fair held therein. Pictured are a sample of some of the badges that were experimented with and that will be cast on the next event work day.

1 comment:

  1. The badges came out great and it was neat getting to make them.
