Wednesday, January 27, 2010

February Business Meeting

After a long, wintery quiet spell, The Shire of Rivenwood Tower will be meeting 2:00pm on Sunday, February 7th, at Jack McGowan's Cabin.
Do not fear, there will be no locked doors this time as the seneschal will have her own key!  The December meeting was caffuffled because Jack was in Las Vegas and forgot all about us. Not so this time!

We will be discussing Lupercalia, and all that that fast approaching event entails.  Officers, be ready with your calendars and schedules.  To all the rest of the populace of Rivenwood Tower is extended a most friendly invitation to attend!  We are scattered far and wide and have tightly scheduled lives but find it in your schedules to come and help us plan! Rivenwood Tower is also yours and you are most welcome to voice how you would like us to make it so.