Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Class Descriptions For St. Radegund's Fair

Medieval and Renaissance Music
Informal Playing Session
Join the Warwick Consort in the playing of Medieval and Renaissance instrumental music.

Basic Soft Cheese:
We will be setting a basic soft cheese from whole raw milk. Recipes will be handed out along with your fabulous, indispensable piece of basic cheese making equipment – your reusable cheesecloth! Class charge of $2.00 if you want a cheesecloth.

Firing Pottery in a Pit Kiln:
We will be firing up a pit kiln, based on Anglo-Saxon pit kilns. The kiln will be pre-dug and this first firing of pottery will be pre-heating for several hours before the actual firing.

Period Fishing Line:
We will braid period fishing line out of horse tail and how to tie it to period fish hooks.

Build a Clay Oven:
We will be building a small – big or small the principle is the same and takes vastly less time and grunt work! – a small clay oven based on a medieval woodcut of street bakers. The clay will be dug on site. Be prepared to get very muddy! We will dry the clay oven and bake in it! Note: This will be a two and a half hour class!

Tie A Fish Net:
We will tie a circular scoop net using a willow withe and strong fine cord.

Fire The Big Stone and Clay Oven:
We will - as we fire the small clay oven to dry it - simultaneously fire the large clay oven on site to pre-heat it for the afternoon of baking! This oven was originally created at the first St. Radegund’s fair. It was dismantled and reassembled onto a portable platform and given a clay
outer coating rather than the original sod one.

Bread Making:
We will be making bread dough to create different breads to be baked in the two clay ovens, i.e. Focaccia, whole wheat trenchers, and good old Hot Crossed Buns.

Medieval Pot Herbs:
We will discuss two forgotten medieval greens you can find in your back yard and garden and create two recipes using them to bake in the ovens. Have you eaten Nettles or Fat Hen?

Bake, Bake, Bake!
The class title says it all!

Die making for Coiners, metal stampers and Leatherworkers:
Learn the basics of making metal punches. The punches can then be used to make dies. The dies in turn can be used for striking coins, embossing metal for decoration or embossing leather. Or use the punches directly to chase metal or tool leather.

Beginning Beadmaking:
No experience needed. There will be a demo at 2pm showing the preparation and process for making beads. Students will then make their own bead. There will be many colors of glass to choose from. If time allows students will be able to create more than one bead. Beads will be
cleaned and available for pickup 30 minutes after the end of class. There is no cost for the class.

Basic Engraving:
The bare nubins of the begining of engraving metal.

Basic Casting:
The bare nubins of the beginning of casting metal.

Rope Splicing and Knots:
The basic splices and knot theory.

Period Dance:
Belle's dance class. Learn a few of the most common SCA period dances. Don't be a wall flower any longer!

The Life, Times, and Works of Agnolo Bronzino (1503-1572):
Agnolo Bronzino[1] was an Italian Mannerist painter of the 16th Century. He was a founding member of The 'Accademia delle Arti del Disegno[2] ("Academy of the Arts of Drawing") of Florence. The class will look at his works. and those of some of his contemporaries, with particular emphasis on sources of inspiration for costuming and craft work in the

A Stop Along The Way:
Pub, tavern, inn, gasthaus, trattoria... Call it what you will, the local watering hole is a fundamental component of our mental image of a Medieval or Renaissance town. Whether persona-based role playing or SCA activity, the 'local' can provide a base for welcoming newcomers and creating a 'period' atmosphere at an event. This free-wheeling round table discussion will explore the concept. Albrecht will introduce the topic, but participants are encouraged and expected to contribute their own visions of the perfect inn. Bring your lunch to this open discussion.

Construct an Early Period Northern European Tunic:
This is a hands on class. Please bring fabric and matching thread. There will be limited fabric available for purchase at cost. I will provide sewing machines and other needed tools. You may bring your own sewing machine if you wish. If there's time I can review how to make simple pants.

Smoking Cheese and Meat:
This is a hands on class to demonstrate firing, construction and use of a pit smoker. Smoker with be started on Friday night, meat will placed in Friday night and cheese in Saturday Morning. Class will finish on Saturday before the potluck feast with the removal and serving of the
smoked item.

Byzantine Chain:
Intro to making chain in the Byzantine style. Three basic styles will be demonstrated. This is a hands on class.

Paper making:
This is a hands on class. Get wet and make paper.

Period Pencil Making:
Make charcoal pencils from grape vine cuttings. This class involves the use of an open fire. This is a hands on class.

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